Wednesday, September 12, 2012


The following is artwork for the third in a series of 4 short (10 page)  stories written by Len Strazewski, and penciled by me for AC Comics Stormy Tempest character. Stormy was created by Bill Black had been appearing in Femforce as a character from the future who was sent back in time to assassinate a U.S. Presidential candidate. She was captured and sent to prison, then escaped only to end up working as a stripper in a gentleman's club in Vegas. As the tale progressed her antagonist became her former best friend from the future. In this story, we see the disastrous consequences of the time- travelers. This particular one was special to me because I was asked to ink  as well as pencil it. I added layers of grey, known as zip-a-tone to the pages. Unfortunately, the zip-a-tone did not make it into the final pages due to printing issues. Stormy Tempest: Future Heat appeared in Femforce #155 (2011).