There are different ways to draw real people. A life drawing session is when a live model will pose and be drawn. This happens primarily in schools but there are also places that offer figure drawing workshops or open studios where people can draw from a model for a few hours. Here in Chicago there are two places that I go to - The Palette And Chisel Academy Of Fine Arts and The Drawing Workshop. Both places have quick sketch sessions and long poses. A quick sketch session starts with one minute poses and works it's way up 45 minute poses. A long pose is when the model will hold the same pose for about 3 1/2 hours.
These poses where a minute long. Although this is the
normal first poses time, The Drawing Workshop starts
their poses at 20 seconds, which is very challenging.
These poses were 3 minutes long.
5 minute poses.
10 minute poses
10 & 15 minute poses, respectively.
15 minutes
These were all about a half hour each.
I drew this pose for a little over an hour. The drawing has an unfinished
look because the model moved a lot, which was a huge problem.
Although there is a little bit of movement that occurs,
usually when a model takes a break, too much movement, especially
during a pose, makes it impossible to get an accurate drawing.
This drawing was about 3 hours long. Usually the model
is unclothed, but this was an exception.
I have found that no matter how much drawing I've done, it is a requirement for me to return to drawing from a live model. If I don't, I not only stop learning, but it's more likely that I will forget things. I want to be the best artist I can be, and tomorrow I want to be better than I was today. This is one of the ways for me to get there.